
Sings The Hits at Theatre22



From Katie McKellar (Director) and Jennifer Ewing (Assistant Director):

We are excited to bring you the newest show in our 2nd Stages series. Our 2nd Stages series was developed to give more opportunity to new work and new voices in the Seattle area. 

This Halloween, we invite you to join us with our latest episode of Signal Loss which explores sexism and manipulation in the music industry through the ages. As Ellie says in the show, sexism is pervasive. It is something we see everyday. The exploitation of women and the manipulation of their bodies and minds is something that affects people globally, nationally, and within our own communities, not just within the industry of music. 

This show was written before the sexual exploitation by certain men in the entertainment industry became headline news. This show asks questions of all of us: How do we perpetuate this behavior? How do we stop it? How do we help those who have suffered from targeted and casual sexism, harassment, and assault?

Sings The Hits runs through November on select days/nights at 12th Avenue Arts on Capitol Hill in Seattle, WA. 

Production photos courtesy of Margaret Toomey.

We've received great reviews from audiences and critics, including Drama In The Hood: 

This production moved me to tears, and I encourage everyone of every age, gender, and life experience to come and take part in this story.
The story that unfolds is an unflinching indictment of male privilege in the music industry and the deep wounds it leaves in those that suffer from the harassment and assault that is far too common and far too easily overlooked. The conversations that occur are ones that so many have had in everyday life; the excuses, the minimizing. One line that stood out to me beyond any other, and is still rattling around in my head hours later, is, “Don’t grade consent on a curve.” If that doesn’t capture 21st century rape culture, I don’t know what does.
An honest devotion to the theme of love and fighting for oneself above all else gives this new play the wings to soar.

Read more at Drama In The Hood online.